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Back before the bull market in the seventies gold was back in hard currency the dollar it was fixed thirty five dollars an ounce. From nineteen forty four to nineteen seventy one during that time they kept on printing dollars well that dilutes the purchasing power of the dollars to the dollar doesn't go as far sixty nine seventy seventy one the free markets were starting to go after goldencan market in europe people were buying gold coast price.

Rice governments were trying to suppress it they lost control of of that nixon had a take us off of golden august of seventy one. Because there's not enough supplies to fulfill demand because they had manipulated press this is again the unintended consequences of man trying to manipulate something the free market should control. But that is part of the cycle once it was over like five hundred dollars an ounce because this is gigantic gold rush and people we're going out trying to find there's a lot of prospecting going going on. We're trying to find gold mines and so if you believe that in her life with educated investors we're able to write about it and sell to the public who comes rushing at the very end.
Wimbledon speaking the public now it has a that the professionals are leaving the market and so gold starts and going down the road just as there's all this prospecting and new mines are coming online so supplies going up causing it to continue to go down. And then these investors that bought at the peak finally gets hired of losing value to where they give up and they sell their gold and silver into the market. It continues down again finally bottoms and then finally smart investors realize that it's two hundred valued and start buying again turns around and starts into a bull market again it's the same cycle repeating and that's where we are today. That we're just beginning this book i really believe that this is future of the community and all of these changes they're coming in this decade.

They're going to be very scary for a lot of people but for the people gain a little bit of insight into what has happened every time in the past and what is probably going to happen this time in the fundamentals underneath the situations that they've got a little bit of a crystal ball if they can look influencing future. They've got much less financial anxiety you feel more comfortable safe i know i and know that i i'm going to be just fine to this company ive place myself in my family in a situation where we should prospered greatly the reason that height and in precious metals right now is because it's very exciting to see this that were in a person of the ways we're precious metals have become more undervalued it just turned the corner and it's in this incredible bull market.
If you look at it sure is both over the last decade this is the most perfect chart. You can't show me any others stockport index or anything else around the planet looks as good as the last ten years chart of Gold.
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