To ensure that your fitness momentum is constantly maintained, try exercising while watching TV. Get up and walk in place during a commercial break, or work on a simple exercise like a sit-up. Another option would be to work with small weights while simply sitting in your chair. There is always time to squeeze in exercise.
To help you perform your best during your workout, you need to stay hydrated. Losing even one percent of your body weight through sweat can place added stress to your cardiovascular system. Two hours before working out drink at least 16 ounces of water. During your workout drink five to ten ounces every 15 to 20 minutes. When you are finished with your workout drink at least 16 ounces of water for each pound of weight loss due to sweat.
Try purchasing a pedometer to keep track of how many steps you take in a day. It is recommended that you should take 10,000 steps per day. If you are not getting this many in, you should work to increase the number. This can help you with your overall weight loss. It is also interesting to see how much you actually move during the day.
Swimming is an excellent low impact form of exercise that will help with weight loss. It will help you to burn calories, and get your body into shape. Swimming is also easier on people who have joint or muscle pain. When in the water you don't need to do a high impact workout, which can cause people pain.
Now, that you have read up on it, are you ready to get into shape? It is true some may find it more difficult than others to start exercising. But, getting into shape reaps many benefits when done right! Apply the information you just read to achieve better fitness!
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